Professional indigenous women acting to transform urban spaces in Mexico

New post on ISS blog, BlISS
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PhD researchers Azucena Gollaz and Marina Cadaval share some reflections on the methodological process they developed while carrying out a project about the right to the city with indigenous women in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Research practices often still do not adequately recognize the multiple points of views, experiences and knowledges of those we work with. In the process, the meanings that people give to their own lives and to reality are often overlooked, which silences subjective interpretations. 

In this blog post, Azucena Gollaz and Marina Cadaval share some reflections on the methodological process they developed while carrying out a project about the right to the city with indigenous women in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Thinking of research as a living system comprising numerous collaborative gears turned and interlocked by different types of support can help us do research more mindfully and responsibly.

Read the full post on ISS blog BlISS - Transformative Methodologies | Professional indigenous women acting to transform urban spaces in Mexico: methodological reflections, 7 March 2023

PhD student
Azucena Gollaz Morán
PhD student
Marina Cadaval Narezo
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