Making research truly transformative

A Transformative Methodologies post on ISS blog BlISS
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For research to be called socially transformative, the production of scientific knowledge with the aim of addressing a societal problem is not enough. Research processes themselves must also be socially just, which calls for critical self-examination by researchers of how they do research.

A project led by ISS researchers seeks to conceptualize a transformative research methodology that underlines a radically different and morally responsible way of conducting research by identifying and challenging assumptions that perpetuate social injustices in research processes.

This post by Sreerekha Sathi, Karin Astrid Siegmann, Cynthia Bejeno, Lize Swatz and Richard Toppo introduces the project and its core premises.

Assistant professor
Associate professor
Dr Cynthia Bejeno
Recent PhD graduate
PhD student
PhD student
Richard Toppo
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Bliss is the blog of the International Institute of Social Studies on global development and social justice. It aims to provide a space where research ideas and findings are brought to the development community in a timely way. With the blog, ISS will address different audiences in policy, practice and the public at large.

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Transformative Methodologies research project

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