Jeff Handmaker to lead a project at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

Jeff Handmaker
Dr Jeff Handmaker

Dr Jeff Handmaker, Senior Lecturer in Law, Human Rights and Development, at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) has been selected for a stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) in Amsterdam.

The NIAS Fellowship allows Dr Handmaker to work as coordinator of a NIAS theme-group on Legal Mobilization Revisited: Analyzing Law-Based Advocacy (also involving four other researchers), for a period of 5 months during the academic year 2020/21.

The five NIAS Fellows in this theme-group will analyze the potential for strategic legal mobilization as a legitimate means to hold governments, individuals and corporations accountable for human rights, environmental and other legal violations.

Dr Handmaker will lead this theme-group that also involves NIAS Fellows Dr Jackie Dugard (University of the Witwatersrand, School of Law), Dr Daphina Misiedjan (also at the ISS), Dr Frederiek de Vlaming (University of Amsterdam, War Reparations Centre) and Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh (Leiden University, Grotius Centre of International Law). These five NIAS fellows will become part of a carefully selected community of about sixty scholars, artists and writers.

These five colleagues and their theme-group were selected by an external review process on the basis of the quality and innovative value of the research proposal. The success rate of NIAS fellowships is about ten percent.

  • About NIAS-KNAW

    NIAS - one of the institutes of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) –provides a physical and intellectual space for advanced research in the humanities and social sciences that is driven by curiosity and cross-discipline collaboration. It offers temporary fellowships to international and Dutch scholars.

    NIAS is located in Amsterdam.

    NIAS logo - Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Science
Assistant professor
Assistant professor
Associate professor
Dr Jackie Dugard
Assistant professor
Dr Frederiek de Vlaming
Assistant professor
Dr Margaretha Wewrinke-Singh

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