ISS-edited journal top in its field

The Jouranl of Peasant Studies

The Journal of Peasant Studies (JPS), which has an editorial base at the International Institute of Social Studies, has been once again ranked top in its field.

Clarivate Analytics released its Journal Citation Report for 2017 in which it ranks JPS 4th (of 84) in the category Anthropology, and 2nd (of 55) in the category Planning & Development. JPS 5-year Impact Factor is 6.4, placing it 1st in Anthropology and 2nd in Planning & Development. JPS has been been consistently ranked 1st or 2nd in Planning & Development and Anthropology since 2013.

In a new index, CiteScore, JPS scores a high 5.0, making it one of the top journal in social sciences.

The Journal of Peasant Studies at ISS

Editorial positions

ISS is an important home for JPS with many academic staff and PhD researchers playing an active role in its production:

Additionally, ISS academic staff have published in JPS since the 1970s to the present, and in recent years, ISS PhD researchers have also started to publish in the journal. During the last two years, among the most cited articles in JPS are articles authored by ISS PhD researchers, specifically by Natalia Mamonova, Tsegaye Moreda and Christina Schiavoni.

In September 2017, JPS released a special issue on gender & generation and agrarian-environmental transformation in Southeast Asia guest edited by ISS PhD researcher Clara Park, together with Ben White.


Earlier this year, JPS, together with the Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiatives network organized a large international conference on 'Authoritarian populism and the rural world'. In early 2017, the journal organized an international conference on climate change politics with the Initiatives in Critical Agrarian Studies network. Some of the key outputs of those conferences are published in issue no. 1 of 2018 of JPS, where the special forum on Climate Smart Agriculture is co-edited by ISS PhD researcher Zoe Brent.

Special issue on Agrarian Marxism

This year, JPS released a special issue on 'Agrarian Marxism' guest edited by Michael Levien, Michael Watts and Yan Hairong.

This issue includes a republication of two essays by Teodor Shanin: 

The issue also includes the 1881 letters of Vera Zasulich and Karl Marx as its contribution to worldwide commemoration of the 200th birthday (5th of May 2018) of Karl Marx.


More information

The Journal of Peasant Studies is published by Taylor & Francis. It provokes and promotes critical thinking about social structures, institutions, actors and processes of change in and in relation to the rural world. It fosters inquiry into how agrarian power relations between classes and other social groups are created, understood, contested and transformed.

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