ISS awarded EU grant to intensify collaborations with Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Indonesia and Colombia

Through the European Commission's Erasmus+ programme
Co-funded by Erasmus+ programme

Through its Erasmus+ programme, the European Commission will fund individual staff and PhD exchanges between the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and partner universities in the Global South for a total value of €305,000

The grants will help intensify collaborations between ISS and partner universities in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Indonesia and Colombia.

Addia Ababa University in Ethiopia

ISS, ESHPM and the School of Public Health staff will co-develop and co-teach two novel courses in Ethiopia: measuring and achieving universal health coverage in Ethiopia; and novel behavioral and experimental approaches in the field of health behaviours and insurance

Two interdisciplinary research proposals will be developed on experimental work on health insurance and behaviours and on understanding and improving community health work to improve maternal care and health.

Port Loko University Campus in Sierra Leone

In collaboration with the department of Social Work and Community Development Studies and local Sierra Leonean NGOs that focus on community-driven development, ISS will integrate localized forms of knowledge production processes and praxis in a theoretical foundation and pedagogy from an African perspective.

Ho Chi Min City University of Economics in Vietnam

This collaboration builds on the existing Joint PhD with the University of Economics of Ho Chi Min City. The exchange of staff and supervisors will be used to assess improvements to the overall PhD journey and improve the quality of PhD research.

Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia

After some successful publications on youth migration, the Research Group Social and Developmental Psychology within the Faculty of Psychology and ISS embarked upon the idea to strengthen academic English writing, communication and networking skills through academic writing workshops for staff and PhD candidates.

Universitas Sebelas Maret in Indonesia

The collaboration with the Department of Economics within the Faculty of Economics and Business aims to develop a new research partnership and strengthen skills of staff in writing research proposals and developing research designs.

Universidad Católica de Manizales in Colombia

As part of an initiative to join forces between community-based organizations and academia, the project will consolidate a civil society monitoring group and a study group on socio-environmental change on the Andes. ISS will team up with the Technology and Environment Research Group within the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering at Universidad Católica to develop innovative teaching on the socio-environmental impact of agricultural adaptation to climate change and changing global supply chains, with a focus on the expansion of avocado production on the Colombian Andes. 

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