The university awards these academic prizes to honour researchers for engaging in research that has both an academic and a social impact.
Glick-Schiller is one of the three professors who will be presented with an honorary doctorate. They were nominated by Erasmus Initiatives. The three scientists work on major topical issues such as migration and health care, which fall under Erasmus Initiatives’ overarching research themes, which were selected two years ago.
By awarding honorary doctorates focusing on social impact, Erasmus University seeks to emphasize how highly it values the societal impact of the scientific research conducted in Rotterdam. Therefore, the theme of the celebration of the university’s 105th anniversary on 8 November will be ‘Advancing Science, Impacting Society’.
ISS Rector professor Inge Hutter is ‘honorary supervisor’ and explains in Erasmus Magazine what makes the work of Nina Glick-Schiller socially relevant.
"Inge Hutter, Professor of Participatory and Qualitative Research in Population and Development: “As far as I’m concerned, Glick-Schiller stands out because she is an anthropologist. She uses her anthropology background to investigate in a unique manner how migrants affect urban life, and how and to what extent this is resulting in what I would call ‘inclusive’ cities. This subject fits in with all three themes of our Erasmus Initiative: migration and diversity, security and resilience, culture and creativity."
The full text on the three Honorary Doctorates can be read in Erasmus Magazine.