The free market - does it actually exist?

New book by Professor Irene van Staveren
De vrije markt bestaat niet - The free market doesn' exist - Irene van Staveren
Irene van Staveren

On 5 September 2024, Professor Irene van Staveren launched her new book De vrije markt bestaat niet (The free market does not exist). In her book, van Staveren provides a profound critique of the illusory idea of a free market.

She couples this critique with an inspiring plea for an economy of connection. She analyses the shortcomings of neoliberal thinking, which has been blamed for the housing crisis, stagnant wages and growing inequality.

Van Staveren also offers hopeful perspectives, inspired by a rich tradition of diverse economic thinking and innovative practices that show that a more just and sustainable economy is possible.

The published book is currently only available in Dutch. or contact Irene van Staveren for a unedited English translation.


De vrije markt bestaat niet - The free market doesn't exist - cover
Professor of pluralist development economics

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