Elizabeth Ngutuku appointed Research Officer at the Firoz Lalji Centre

ISS alumna Elizabeth (Eliza) Ngutuku has been appointed Research Officer at the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa of the London School of Economics (UK) . 

The Centre focuses on LSE’s engagement with Africa through research, teaching and public events. Eliza will take up her new position in London in the autumn/winter of 2020.

Eliza is a researcher and development consultant from Kenya with over 20 years of experience. She obtained her MA degree in Women Gender and Development from ISS in 2005, and was awarded a Research Paper prize for her MA thesis on Young Single Motherhood: Contested Notions of Motherhood and Sexuality in Policy Discourses/Program Interventions,

In March 2020 Eliza obtained her (cum laude) PhD from ISS with her thesis Rhizomatic Cartographies of Children’s Lived Experience of Poverty and Vulnerability in Siaya, Kenya supervised by Professor Karin Arts and Dr Auma Okwany.

The ISS community wishes Eliza the very best in her new position.

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