COVID-19 Pandemic: World stories from the margins

World Stories from the Margins

Why do our common Post-COVID-19 futures need to be thought and prescribed from an assumed global contemporaneity and mostly urban contexts? Rosalba Icaza and Zuleika Sheik have been invited to address this question as co-editors of a special collection of contributions for convivial thinking entitled 'COVID 19 Pandemic - World Stories from the Margins'.

In these contributions, the authors want to problematize why our common futures need to be thought and prescribed from an assumed global contemporaneity and mostly urban contexts. 

  • What sort of silencing movement is taking place when some are deemed ‘too close or situated’ and others ‘far away’ and hence better equipped to think for all humanity?
  • What operations are taking place for some to be considered representatives of contemporaneous (read universal) debates?

These are the sorts of questions that we think are central to address if our collective aim is a decolonial existence.

Associate professor
PhD student
Zuleika Sheik
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Convivial Thinking: World stories from the margins

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