Bringing together animal welfare and gender equality agendas

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In this post, PhD researcher Irma Nugrahanti talks about her experiences at the UNFCC (SB60) conference and the parallels between climate change-related issues faced by women and animals and the crucial role of these two advocacy groups in fighting climate change.

Nugrahnti reflects on the different conversations that took place at the conference and how this reaffirmed the significance of a multifaceted approach to climate issues.

She argues that recognizing the shared challenges faced by both women and animals in the context of climate change could help broaden our understanding of vulnerability and resilience, so that we can transform existing policies that often overlook these marginalized groups.

Read the full post on ISS blog BlISS - 'UNFCCC Conference 2024 | How a feminist approach to climate change can help bring together animal welfare and gender equality agendas' 19 September 2024

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