68th Dies Natalis 8 October 2020

On Thursday 8 October 2020 we celebrated the 68th Dies Natalis of ISS by hosting an online debate on three crises in the world: Covid-19, Climate change and Black Lives Matter

Over 500 people from all over the world registered for the livestreamed debate hosted by journalist Marcia Luyten. The debate was a lively discussion between Aminata Cairo, Murat Arsel and Wendy Harcourt and rector Inge Hutter also participated.

The Dies Natalis in a totally new form, we hope you enjoyed it. If you missed it, you can watch the recording here:


ISS 68th Dies Natalis - Debate on 3 global crises COVID-19, Climate change and Black Lives Matter

ISS 68th Dies Natalis - Debate on 3 global crises COVID-19, Climate change and Black Lives Matter

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