Everyday lives of Adivasis: Indigenous voices from India

On 30 August 2019, the International Institute of Social Studies is hosting a talk with social activists from India on the 'Everyday lives of Adivasis'.

Friday 30 Aug 2019, 10:00 - 18:00
Spoken Language
Aula A
International Institute of Social Studies
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The full-day conference will include talks by three indigenous activists: Dayamai Barla, Gladson Dungdung and Binod Xalxo. Each talk will be followed by a Question and Answer session.


Indigenous communities in India (and across the globe) are facing an increased vulnerability towards marginalization, proletarianization, displacement and gross human rights violations. As an academic community, while we stand in strong support with the indigenous communities, we should also be cautious in not appropriating the voices of the marginalized.

This is to say, the indigenous communities should be given the platform and the medium to raise their concerns in their own voices. This event is a move in the direction towards empowering indigenous communities, and attempting to integrate activism and academia through the epistemologies of the indigenous.

Special thanks to the Civic Innovation research group for funding and sponsoring this event. 

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