Karen Vanesa Marriner Castro (GDP)

Karen Vanesa Marriner Castro picture
The GDP major gave me the possibility to understand multi-stakeholder processes from a governance perspective

Karen Vanesa Marriner Castro (Colombia)

MA - Governance and Development Policy major

Name: Karen Vanesa Marriner Castro from Colombia

Major: Governance and Development Policy (GDP)

Why did you choose this major?

I choose the Governance and Development Policy (GDP) major because it gave me the possibility to understand multi-stakeholder processes from a governance perspective. I had worked in NGO´s and in the public sector and sometimes the reality makes diffuse the theoretical approaches, for me was an opportunity to go back to the theoretical approach and evaluate my work.

Escogí el majo de Governance and Development Policy porque me daba la oportunidad de valuar y entender las actitudes e intereses de los diferentes stakeholders que intervienen en los procesos. La perspectiva de gobernanza te permite crear una visión global de las políticas y de sus efectos.

How will this major help you in the future (career wise)?

I would like to keep working in NGO´s and in local level institutions and now I feel like I have more tools and knowledge to improve the processes and make things better.

Me gustaría continuar trabajando para una ONG ó para el sector público en el nivel local. Siento que después de la Maestría tendré más y mejores herramientas para mejorar los procesos y aportar mi grano de arena en la construcción de mí país.

What aspect of your major do you really like?

I really like the fact that the major not only focus in the traditional stakeholders, like the government and the organized society, but also in the private sector and the different interactions between them.

Lo que más me gusto del major es que tiene un enfoque en donde no solo entendemos el comportamiento de los actores públicos, sino, además, del sector privado y su rol dentro del desarrollo local.

Why did you choose ISS?

Because as an international institute I have the opportunity to interact with people from all around the world. It is true that the academic level of ISS is excellent, but beyond that it provides you with an environment in which you are always learning something, not only from your professors but also from your peers. It's amazing, the cultural and academic knowledge that you can find at ISS. 

Escogí ISS porque el nivel académico del instituto es excelente, los profesores y las líneas de investigación que tienen se caracterizan por ser de un muy buen nivel. Empero, más allá de las oportunidades académicas que el ISS te da, tienes la posibilidad de compartir con personas de todas partes del mundo. ¡Es increíble el potencial académico y cultural que encuentras en ISS!

The lecturer’s teaching methods:

It's a combination between traditional lectures and workshops. So, you can practice the things that you are learning. The exercises are real cases.

Es una combinación entre clases magustrales y talleres. En los talleres pones en práctica los conocimientos que estás adquiriendo y además, los ejercicios son tan reales, que a veces puedes sentirte como el Presidente un país.

Would you recommend ISS to your peers?

Definitely, ISS is an amazing opportunity. You will grow professional and personal. The quality of the professors, the classes, the different options and your colleagues make from ISS a unique academic experience.

ISS es una oportunidad única. Estar en una institución académica de gran nivel te permitirá crecer en el campo profesional.

The cultural diversity of ISS:

You will study with people from all around the world. ISS is a door to the world, every day you learn something new from a different culture. At the end, you will end with a multicultural family and you definitely change the perspective of the world and leave behind silly stereotypes.



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