Fernando Adrian Tavara Ramirez (GDP) (2019-2020)

I feel that the main asset of ISS is that you learn how to apply these theories in the policy arena and to learn the tensions in this process

Fernando Adrian Tavara Ramirez from Peru

2019-2020-MA -Governance and Development Policy

Name: Fernando Adrian Tavara Ramirez

Major: Governance and Development Policy (GDP)

Background: Social Psychologist with work experience in applied research and development projects

Scholarship awarded: ISS Scholarship Fund for Excellent Students

Why study abroad?

This experience does not only allow you to learn from a new school of thinking, but also to learn from the challenges that other countries are experiencing and dealing with. This is specially relevant in an place such as ISS, when you will find people from literally all over the world.

Why ISS?

ISS programs combines a strong critical thinking approach with diverse research methodologies and techniques. But perhaps its more important value is that you get to learn about the cutting edge theories of development. And for the GDP major, I feel that the main asset of ISS is that you learn how to apply these theories in the policy arena and to learn the tensions in this process.

How is your experience so far?

I am having a great experience learning about mainstream and alternatives approaches to development. From the mainstream economic approach to new decolonial alternatives to development. The GDP major, moreover, has been a great experience in terms of content and practice. It is teaching me the hidden dynamics behind the process of policy choice and to analyze the role of the different stakeholder within this process.

What are your future plans?

I would like to work in or with the government to further understand the dynamics of policy making and governance. In the long term, however, I would like to pursue a PhD program in the development field.

Would you recommend ISS to your friends?

If you would like to approach development theories from a critical point of view, I think ISS will be a great place for you. And the GDP major is a good opportunity to strengthen your policy and critical analysis skills.

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