
461 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Legal Mobilization: Analyzing law-based advocacy
    Analyzing the strategic potential and challenges of legal mobilization
  • Representing the student voice
    MA candidates Emily and Rizky share their experiences as student representatives of the Institute Council
  • Assistant Professor Zemzem Shigute Shuka on her research and diversity at EUR
    For Zemzem Shigute Shuka, the discussion between different disciplines and backgrounds is what gives meaning to what we do at EUR.
  • COVID-19: the disease of inequality, not of globalization
    In this blog, Binyam Afewerk Demena and his colleagues elaborate on their contributions to the recently published book ‘COVID-19 and International Development’.
  • Amanda P. Díaz Ramírez
    ISS allowed me to be in touch with different cultures and professional backgrounds, with incredible human beings – lecturers and classmates- truly devoted to…
  • Christopher Jack Knowles
    ISS helped me to refine my research and writing skills as well as taught me to think critically and question why things are the way that they are
  • Impact of COVID-19 on children depends on family context and intrapersonal characteristics
    Psychologist Dr. Brian P. Godor and Dr. Ruth van der Hallen are investigating coping and resiliency in young adults during this COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Bilal Aurang Zeb Durrani
    The knowledge and skills gained throughout different courses were immensely useful, with the right balance of theory and practice, making it very helpful to…
  • Passing away Emeritus Professor Maria Mies
    We are very sad to learn that Emeritus Professor Maria Mies passed away on 15 May 2023 at the age of 92.
  • Keep those fossil fuels under the soil
    Professor Portraits - On 14 September, Lorenzo Pellegrini will hold his inaugural lecture. In this interview, he gives a glimpse of what the audience can expect.

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