
461 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Transforming minds: using theory to address crises
    In this interview, Dr Karim Knio explores his passion for uncovering the deeper mechanisms behind political crises using innovative theories
  • COVID-19 and Conflict | Between myth and mistrust: the role of interlocutors in managing COVID-19 in Haiti
    By Angela Sabogal and Yuki Fujita
  • Mining Our Way Out of the Climate Change Conundrum?
    'An uncritical embrace of clean technology may also lead to greater inequalities and uneven development.' Read the full article.
  • Congratulations to Dr Anderson Macedo de Jesus on his successful PhD defence
    Successful PhD defence by Anderson Macedo de Jesus exploring the efficacy and impact of values-driven education in Brazil
  • ISS MA students creatively demand more inclusive social policy
    In this series of short videos, ISS MA students engage with social policy innovations around the world, demanding more inclusive social protection
  • (Jonathan) J Moniz
    I became a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies in 2023. By refusing disciplinary confines I link climate change, Black studies, and…
  • Access to the online collection
    How to access ISS Library digital resources on- and off-campus. International Institute of Social Studies.
  • In conversation: Dr Getnet Alemu
    Dr Getnet Alemu tells us about his PhD journey and the value of keeping close ties after earning his PhD at ISS.
  • Testing the relationship between oil wealth and growth
    How do economic norms shape the relationship between oil wealth and economic growth? This paper investigates.
  • 150 PhD defences at ISS
    Commemorative booklet to celebrate 150 PhD defences

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