
462 search results for Master degree program in English in International Institute of Social Studies.


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  • Education
    In global health education and training, RGHI partners contribute to urgently needed innovations. Besides innovating existing MA and PhD programs, through…
  • Stefanie enthusiastic about Online Master Open Day
    Stefanie is enthusiastic about the Master Open Day. The online version felt just like it always did: "We could ask a lot of questions."
  • Successful PhD defence by Anggun Susilo
    'The Indonesian National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM)- Rural: Decentralization in the context of neoliberalism and World Bank policies'
  • MA and PhD agreement between ISS and Ecuadorean university
    Collaborative PhD and Double Degree in Development Economics
  • PhD programme
    Our 200+ international graduates have found work in academia, government, international organisations and NGOs. More about our international PhD programme
  • ISS and FHR Lim A Po Institute co-responsible for MA in Public Administration in Governance
    Since 2005 ISS has offered an MPA in Governance in Suriname. With a recent NOVA-decision the programme will formally be a joint degree with the FHR Institute.
  • 'The community at ISS is truly international'
    Abebe Haile-Gabriel talks about obtaining his PhD degree, about his subsequent career path and about his position and vision on development work.
  • Successful PhD defence by Muhammad Saleem
    With his thesis on the Benazir Income Support Program in Pakistan
  • Reaching the rural: a critical study into the role and performance of community health entrepreneurship
    Description: In most low- and middle-income countries, the only way to access primary health care is through so-called ‘community health worker’ programs. Such…
  • PhD
    The network is engaged in various experiments with innovative schemes for PhD programs with external affiliations, exchanges, and contracts – with academic…

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