The Conference will be held online, hosted by the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), part of Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Hague, The Netherlands.

About the conference
The Development Dialogue (DD) conference is a yearly initiative organized by PhD researchers of ISS.
It provides the space for doctoral candidates and early career researchers engaged in different fields of development studies to share their work, exchange ideas and to discuss how their research relate to global development struggles.
We are living in an era of multiple crises – of widespread inequality, violence, poverty, climate change, the rise of extreme nationalism, racism, war and human rights violations - which are systemically linked. Indeed, the world has seen that the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic transcends a health crisis; its impact has permeated all sectors of the global economy and is very likely to exacerbate inequality within and across countries.
Conventionally, PhDs and early career researchers are expected to theorize, explain, predict and suggest recommendations for their selected topics, using limited resources to conduct feasible studies. As young researchers, our attempts to fulfil our academic obligations often result in us being confined to our specific areas of study alone. Our intellectual projects provide us with in-depth knowledge and insights into the localized problems that we investigate; it is crucial that we also reflect on the implications of our work in the context of the current development practice and globalized struggles. These require building alternatives for social change, as well as our engagement with counter narratives and resistance.
The ISS Development Dialogue is a multidisciplinary, reflective and collaborative programme which brings together dozens of researchers, practitioners, academics and specialists in various fields of development from around the world. As with previous editions of the DD, we remain committed to providing early-career researchers an opportunity to present their work and receive high quality and constructive feedback.
Participation in the DD17 conference is free but we do ask you to register.

Parallel conference
DD17 is scheduled alongside the triennial conference of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) which is also taking place online from 5-8 July 2021, and hosted by ISS.
DD17 participants and presenters who have registered for the EADI Conference can be part of this rich experience by participating in both conferences.
Meet the DD17 organizing committee
- Email address
You can write to the DD organizing committee via email.
Full conference details are available on the conference website.