ISS Research projects

Pluralistic research

ISS research projects are set up in line with the pluralistic methods anchored in the ISS research programme. Our projects are interdisciplinary, involving researchers from across the social sciences.

Highlighted projects

Environmental monitoRIng through Civic engAgement - ERICA

Supporting citizens’ environmental awareness and civic engagement through citizen science

Mobile phone to monitor environmental damage - ERICA project

Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth and refugees

Enabling a better understanding of the life experiences of LGBTQ youth and refugees in The Hague

Woman waving rainbow flag

Societal changes and the decision to migrate - PACES

Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations

In this photo, residents of Adama, Ethiopia form a queue at the passport office.

Our research projects

Our multidisciplinary, pluralistic research projects fall within one or more of our four research themes. Some projects only touch on one theme, others on all four.

Take a look at our projects in more detail on our theme pages.

List of all our ongoing and most recent projects

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