Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Auma) LA Okwany

    I am Associate Professor of Social Policy at The International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. My scholarship centers on the…
    dr. (Auma) LA Okwany
  • (Emmanuel Otto) OE Omony

    (Emmanuel Otto) OE Omony
  • dr. (Otieno) AO Ong'ayo

    Dr. Otieno Ong'ayo (Antony) is a political scientist by training. His main research interests are in the areas of politics of development, migration and…
    dr. (Otieno) AO Ong'ayo
  • dr. (Elsie) EK Onsongo

    Elsie's research interest lies in the area of innovation for inclusive development. She explores how frugal and inclusive business models in base of…
    dr. (Elsie) EK Onsongo
  • (Yuhan) Y Ou

    (Yuhan) Y Ou
  • (Eftal) EE Ozmen Ilbilgi

    (Eftal) EE Ozmen Ilbilgi
  • (Jimena) J Pacheco Miranda

    I am a development economics Ph.D. candidate at the International Institute of Social Sciences- Erasmus University of Rotterdam. My research interests rely in…
    (Jimena) J Pacheco Miranda
  • (Elissaios) E Papyrakis

    Dr Elissaios Papyrakis is a Senior Lecturer in Development Economics (Macroeconomics) at the Institute of Social Studies of the Erasmus University in the…
    (Elissaios) E Papyrakis
  • (Shradha) S Parashari

    (Shradha) S Parashari
  • dr. (Juan David) JD Parra Heredia, MA

    My area of focus for research and teaching lies in the intersection of social ontology (which includes exploring the ontology of critical realism and its…
    dr. (Juan David) JD Parra Heredia, MA

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