Researcher profiles

  • (Umut) U Kocagoz

    (Umut) U Kocagoz
  • dr. (Moritz Wilhelm Augustin) MWA Koenig

    dr. (Moritz Wilhelm Augustin) MWA Koenig
  • (Ebenezer Kontoh) E Kontoh

    (Ebenezer Kontoh) E Kontoh
  • drs. (Albertus) A Kraaij

    drs. (Albertus) A Kraaij
  • (Maria) M Kypriotou

    Under the Civic Innovation Research Initiatve of the ISS, my PHD attemps to explore the trajectories and spaces of youth engagement with international…
    (Maria) M Kypriotou
  • (Corinne) CJ Lamain

    Studies the interrelations between climate finance mechanisms, socio-environmental conflicts and climate securities in the Eastern Himalayas. Interested in the…
    (Corinne) CJ Lamain
  • (Van Lam) L Le

    My name is Lam, Le Van. I am currently a PhD candidate in the joint program between ISS, Erasmus Univeristy Rotterdam, Netherland and University of Economics…
    (Van Lam) L Le
  • (Gina) VM Ledda

    Research interests: Global and Regional Value Chains, Firm Productivity, Trade Competitiveness, Industrial Policy, Developing Economies, East Asia
    (Gina) VM Ledda
  • (Libby) L Leher

    (Libby) L Leher
  • (Xueting) X Liang, MA

    (Xueting) X Liang, MA

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