Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Alex) A Jung

    dr. (Alex) A Jung
  • (Clea) CS Kahn

    (Clea) CS Kahn
  • (Annah) A Kamusiime

    (Annah) A Kamusiime
  • dr. (Zeynep) Z Kasli

    I am an interdisciplinary scholar with research and teaching experience that transcend the disciplinary boundaries between political science, sociology,…
    dr. (Zeynep) Z Kasli
  • prof.dr. (Cris) C Kay

    prof.dr. (Cris) C Kay
  • (Sai Sam) SS Kham

    Sai Sam Kham is a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS, The Hague), Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is a member of the …
    (Sai Sam) SS Kham
  • dr. (Khattak) SK Khattak

    dr. (Khattak) SK Khattak
  • dr. (Kyungmee) K Kim

    Kyungmee Kim is a visiting researcher at the ISS during 2024-2026, working with the Political Ecology research group. She is a researcher at the Department of…
    dr. (Kyungmee) K Kim
  • dr. (Karim) MKA Kniou

    Biography – Dr. Karim Knio Profile Dr. Karim Knio is an Associate Professor in International Political Economy and Governance at the Institute of Social Studies…
    dr. (Karim) MKA Kniou
  • prof.dr. (Peter) P Knorringa

    Peter Knorringa is a Professor of Private Sector & Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His…
    prof.dr. (Peter) P Knorringa

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