prof.dr. (Natascha) N Wagner


Research Interests: Microeconomics, Microeconometrics, Micro-Development, Impact Evaluations, Health Economics (HIV/AIDS, Maternal & Child Health), Urban & Rural Development, Network Dynamics, Gender Roles and Female Empowerment,

My research interests lie in international economics, development and health. I consider my research area as an integral input in any modern economics research/education program. Issues of and obstacles to development are far from understood and need further analysis.

I have participated in various impact evaluation projects in Africa and Asia ranging from the assessment of public health programs to rural infrastructure programs. In my research, I apply quantitative microeconomic methods to interdisciplinary questions such as for example the impact of polygamous household organization on child health, the economic consequences of female genital cutting (FGC) and the link between bride price payments and fertility decisions.

In addition to the wide range of topics my research touches upon (poverty dynamics, networks, child health, HIV/AIDS, household organization, etc.), I also employ various econometric techniques in order to adequately exploit the different datasets; these techniques range from 2SLS to GMM, including conditional logistic regressions, quantile estimations and an application of the Mundlak procedure to name just some prominent examples.

My research is based on and motivated by field experience. I gained valuable experience in countries as diverse as Senegal and Bangladesh. In Côte d'Ivoire, for example, I supported the Projet d'urgence Multisectoriel de Lutte contre le Sida (PUMLS) with the implementation of a HIV prevention project and an accompanying impact evaluation. I also oversaw several projects in Senegal and got to know this country as well: I repeatedly worked with the Conseil National de Lutte contre le Sida (CNLS) under the auspices of the World Bank. I was also involved in an impact evaluation for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project concerned a rural infrastructure program that aims at providing electricity for villages that are not connected to any electrical grid. The multifunctional platforms that are installed in the course of the intervention are big motors that transform diesel into electric energy. The project is financed by the Gates Foundation.

Currently, I work on the impact assessment of the long-term effects of quality improvements in Philippine public hospitals. To this end I visited the Philippines in early 2013 and set up a long-term follow-up survey with my local colleague Stella Quimbo. Moreover, I am in the process of setting up a randomized control trail in Burkina Faso. Financed by 3ie, the study seeks to assess the impact of SMS reminders to promote retention and adherence in HIV/AIDS care.

For further information please consult my personal web page:

International Institute of Social Studies

Visiting professor | Academic staff unit
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Natascha Wagner (14 August 2023) - Findings from Radboud University Nijmegen Provides New Data about Energy (How Manufacturing Firms Respond To Energy Subsidy Reforms? an Impact Assessment of the Iranian Energy Subsidy Reform)
  • Natascha Wagner (1 August 2023) - Radboud University Nijmegen Reports Findings in Investment (Long-term impacts of an early childhood shock on human capital: Evidence from the 1999 economic crisis in Ecuador)
  • Natascha Wagner (30 June 2023) - Energy subsidy reforms in Europe require honesty and step-by-step approach, study finds
  • Natascha Wagner (29 June 2023) - Energy subsidy reforms in Europe require honesty and step-by-step approach, study finds
  • Natascha Wagner (29 June 2023) - Europe Calls for Honest, Step-by-Step Energy Subsidy Reforms
  • Natascha Wagner (16 February 2023) - Study Results from Erasmus University in the Area of Ebola Virus Reported (Evaluating the Economic Effects of the Ebola Virus Disease In Liberia: a Synthetic Control Approach)

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