Successful training for Thai court officers on sustainable development and justice

Palace in The Hague
In this photo, members of a Thai delegation stand in front of The Hague's Peace Palace

In June 2024 the ISS, supported by the Legal Mobilization Platform (LMP), organized a 7-day training about sustainable development and justice for a group of court officers from Thailand. 

The training was organized at the request of the Office of the Judiciary of Thailand. The group consisted of 24 court officers from various courts in Thailand, including the Supreme Court. Some of the participants are judges, but many occupy other functions such as that of librarian, court psychologist or foreign relations officer.

The programme included a mix of lectures by ISS faculty and visits to relevant organizations and professionals. The lectures were given by Professor Karin Arts (International Law and Development), Associate Professor Dr Julien-François Gerber (Environment and Development), and Assistant Professor Dr Daphina Misiedjan (Human Rights and the Environment). Participants also visited various organizations and professionals in The Hague, known as the City of Justice and Peace, and other locations.

The group made study visits to the International Development Law Organization, The Hague Institute for the Innovation of Law, Erasmus School of Law, the One Planet Exhibition in the Museon-Omniversum museum, the visitor’s centre of the Peace Palace, and the Court of Appeal in The Hague. In addition, the group met with the Ambassador of Thailand and his team, a representative of the NGO Oxfam-Novib, and the SDG team of the municipality of The Hague.

Social activities included a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage site Kinderdijk and a welcome and farewell dinner. The training has been evaluated positively and it was a pleasure to work with this group. On request, the ISS and the LMP Team are available for conducting more of this type of trainings in the future.

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