Join ISS researchers at this conference organized by the Dutch Ministry of Asylum and Migration facilitating conversations on key migration issues among scholars, policymakers and other migration professionals
The theme of this year's State of the Art conference is 'Research Meets Policy: Sustaining Dialogue on Migration'.
Organized by the Dutch Ministry of Asylum and Migration, the conference aims to ensure that research and policy stay connected and exchange knowledge through dialogue and reflection.
The one-day conference on 17 March 2025 in The Hague will feature prominent international researchers working in the field of migration. It will include 16 sessions the role of regional migration policy on the migration nexus, developments around integration and policy concerning irregular migration.
In addition, there are sessions on the EU-pact on Asylum and Migration, the housing market, labour migration and many more.
Input by the International Institute of Social Studies
Speakers from ISS include:
- Dr Roy Huijsmans who will present the panel on the Future of Labour Migration
- Dr Simona Vezzoli in the panel on Knowledge, Assumptions and Preferences in Migration and Migration Policy Decisions
- Dr Karin Astrid Siegmann who will organize a panel on Migrant Work and the Future of Food in the Netherlands
- ISS alumna Anila Noor will participate in the panel on the Lived Consequences and Systemic Impacts of Asylum Policies in the Netherlands
More information and registration
Date: 17 March 2025
Locatoin: Koninklijke Schouwburg, Korte Voorhout 3, 2511 CW The Hague
The full programme and registration can be found on the conference website.