Mindi Schneider awarded NIAS fellowship for research on 'Food, Waste and Value in the 21st Century'


Mindi Schneider has been awarded a fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS).

Mindi will carry out her research at NIAS from September 2018 to January 2019, working on her research project entitled, 'Food, Waste, and Value in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective'.

About the project

  • Why is there food waste in a food insecure world?
  • Who manages and governs food waste in national and global food systems?
  • What are the social and ecological implications of food waste?
  • What are the leading innovations for turning waste into new value?
  • How can we institute these alternatives in a just and equitable way? 

This is a study of the production, transformations, and struggles against food waste in the global food system. It examines how and by whom food waste is managed in the following sectors: maize and green beans in Kenya, insect protein and dairy in the Netherlands, and pork and rice in China.

These six case studies reveal national-level practices, politics, and innovations, as well as cross-national and cross-sectoral linkages. The project tries to understand how and why food waste is a current and growing problem, who benefits and who loses from food waste, how policies are addressing (or not) food waste issues, and what are the most promising and innovative food waste alternatives. It contributes to scholarly debates and to public knowledge on the topic. (Mindi Schneider)

About NIAS

NIAS is an institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The mission of NIAS is 'to provide a physical and intellectual space for advanced research in the humanities and social sciences that is driven by curiosity and cross-discipline collaboration. NIAS is committed to supporting independent research and knowledge exchange in a setting that is both collaborative and multi-disciplinary – breaking down cross-discipline barriers and facilitating innovative advances in the process' (from NIAS website).

Dr Mindi Schneider

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