On 7 October, we commemorated our 69th birthday, the Dies Natalis of ISS. Rector Prof. Inge Hutter began the celebration with the question, 'Where to go from here?', looking at our current vision and the future of our teaching, research and cooperation for global impact.
Host and ISS alumnus, Lynn Zebeda, led our panel of speakers, Dr Althea Rivas, Dr Arul Chib and Lisa Jordan, to explore three themes: decolonization of knowledge, technology in development and social enterprises. Dr Rosalba Icaza, Prof. Arjun Bedi, Dr Georgina Gomez, and PhD researchers Daniela Calmon and Maria Pineda Escobar joined the panel to reflect on these crucial topics, relating them to current research and teaching undertaken at ISS.
The event also marked a crucial period; ISS is turning the page on its 2018-2022 strategy, 'Energized, Embedded, Engaged'. Thus, the theme of this event offered a springboard for pushing future-oriented and contemporary ideas in development research onto our agenda. These topics will revitalize the upcoming four-year strategy.
Full video and highlights

Dr Althea Rivas reminds us that decolonization of knowledge is a daily grounded practice for every institution to critically evaluate how power relations are reproduced in the way we think, how research is conducted, and curricula design.
Dr Arul Chib illuminates how technology, like mobile phones, can be a transformational tool to provide and spread crucial information, particularly in contexts that are resource restrained or where power-relations exist.
Alumna Lisa Jordan illustrates how social enterprises are an efficient model to meet global challenges through sustainable practices such as cooperation and co-creation in ways that traditional models, like charities and NGOs, can't.
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