How to ensure fair prices and decent incomes for those who produce food

Academics and farmers reflect on agricultural markets in Europe

'For the first time, farmers from all over Europe will reflect with researchers on the public policies necessary to ensure fair prices and decent incomes for those who produce food.' 

-Morgan Ody, Farmer, ECVC Coordiantion Committee and General Cooridiantor of LVC

What lessons can be drawn from the successes and failures of past policies to regulate agricultural markets in Europe and elsewhere in the world?

The International Conference of Researchers and Farmers aims to enable the exchange and construction of new knowledges to find solutions to food severeignty and agricultural transition.

Co-organized by the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), the European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC) and the Free University of Brussels (ULB), the conference will bring together academics, peasants, small- and medium-sized farmers from Europe and beyond, and other players working on agricultural policies.

Many current and former colleagues from ISS will participate in the confernce as speakers and presenters, including Dr Oane Visser and former students Natalia Mamonova, Roos Saat, Joelle Vetter and Cecilia Begal.

When and where?

The conference takes place on 3-4 March 2025 at Campus du Solbosch, Free University of Brussels.

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