Global South researchers in development studies: Positionality, power and vulnerability

Call for book chapters
Collage of paintings

The editors of this new publication are looking for contributions from researchers from the Global South to discuss their fieldwork experiences and reflections, thus generating a grounded theoretical proposition on Global South researchers’ reflexivity and positionality in the field of development studies.

The book project aims to highlights and bridges the experiences of Global South researchers in development studies, which are usually concealed or censored for the fear that they would affect academic analytical production. 

The book is timely as it centralizes the voices and experiences of early career Global South researchers in fieldwork encounters, methodological approaches and transboundary knowledge production. With the compiled contributions of fieldwork experiences, the book will speak to a larger discussion on the role of researchers, the importance of fieldwork, power dynamics in fieldwork, mental and physical challenges, and the significance of fieldwork beyond data collection to a real-life experience that will shape the researcher's positionality for years to come.

Full call and book background

Full details of the call, the proposed book and contact.

Thematic focus

Theme 1: Geographies and the researcher's positionality

  • Beyond dichotemies
  • Researching home
  • Reversing the gaze

Theme 2: Research training and knowledge production

  • Research choices, training and experiences
  • Epistemic justice and knowledge creation

How to submit

The book will prioritize voices from the Global South, particularly those of early career researchers.

  • Interested scholars can submit a 250-500 word abstract to by 31 October 2024.
  • Complete manuscripts of completed abstracts will go through a peer review process including a virtual or in-person workshop for feedback and editing.


Submission of abstracts: 31 October 2024
Submission of complete accepted chapters: 31 March 2025
Authors Peer-review workshop: TBD, May–June 2025
Submission of reviewed chapters: October 2025
Complete manuscript publication: TBD, January–February 2026

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