Exploring the effects of technological change on migrant labour in Dutch horticulture


Karin Astrid Siegmann will present a webinar on Technology, Food and MigrationOpens external.

Part of the pre-programme of the the 25th International Metropolis Conference Berlin 2022Opens external 'Changing migration, migration in change', Dr Karin Astrid Siegmann will contribute to a webinar on Technology, Food and Migration.

Her contribution is based on a recent Working Paper which she co-authored by Petar Ivosevic and Oane Visser entitled 'Working like machines. Exploring effects of technological change on migrant labour in Dutch horticultureOpens external'.

About the pre-conference

The pre-conference looks at recent technological changes in the agrarian sector and the role of platforms and infrastructures that organize food supply.

Date: Monday, 18 July
Time: 16:00-17:00 CEST

Register to attend

Details and registration are on the conference websiteOpens external