Dr Farhad Mukhtarov joins Dutch water trade mission to Azerbaijan

Farhad Mukhtarov

From 24-26 September 2024, Dr Farhad Mukhtarov will be part of a Dutch trade mission to Azerbaijan. 

The aim of the mission is to strengthen bilateral relations and showcase Dutch expertise in water management ahead of a crucial summit of CoP-29 of the UNFCCC in Baku, Azerbaijan. 

The Dutch Water Trade Mission to Azerbaijan will be led by the Netherlands Embassy in Azerbaijan, in collaboration with the Azerbaijan State Water Agency, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR) of Azerbaijan and Aqualink (an Azerbaijani company specialized in water technologies).

Key Dutch players will join the mission, such as IHE-Delft, Wageningen University, Royal HaskoningDHV, Nijhuis Industries, Spaans Babcock BV and others.

Socially inclusive tranference of Dutch water management know-how

Water management and governance is a key subject of research and teaching at ISS/EUR, and Mukhtarov is well placed to showcase and translate this research into development practice. Based on his research and policy work, he will advise the Netherlands and Azerbaijani partners on governance arrangements for successful and socially inclusive ways to transfer the Netherlands water governance knowledge and technologies to Azerbaijan. 

The delegation will participate in site visits in and around Baku and meet high-level Azerbaijani government officials from the Ministry of Energy, State Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Economy and MENR to discuss irrigation and greenhouse technologies, challenges of adaptation to climate change under conditions of water scarcity and resilience against floods and droughts in Azerbaijan.

IV Caspian Water Innovation Forum

A highlight of the mission is the IV Caspian Water Innovation Forum which will be held on 26 September in Baku. Mukhtarov will moderate a session on the Dutch experience in water resources management to share and discuss Dutch innovations and strategies in addressing water and food security issues – key challenges in international development. The event will also provide an opportunity for business and academic networking for participants from the two countries. 

Previous Forums attracted much media and policy attention, given the crucial importance of water in Azerbaijan and the broader region. 

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