Development and Change achieves top quartile ranking in the latest Journal Citation Report

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Development and Change has achieved a top quartile (Q1) ranking in the latest Journal Citation Report (JCR) from the Web of Science, which evaluates citations for articles published in 2021 and 2022 (referred to as the 2023 JCR despite its 2024 release).

Leading multidisciplinary journal

In the 2023 Journal Citation Report (JCR) of the Web of Science, Development and Change has achieved a top quartile (Q1) ranking. The JCR evaluates citations for articles published in 2021 and 2022, and despite the report’s 2024 release, it reflects significant achievements for the journal.

The two-year Journal Impact Factor (JIF) for Development and Change remains steady at 3.0 in the 2023 JCR. Notably, due to a general decline in JIFs across many journals—likely a residual effect of the COVID-19 pandemic—the journal's ranking within the Development Studies category has improved significantly, rising from the 63rd percentile in the 2022 JCR to the 79th percentile in the 2023 JCR.

Development and Change is now ranked 13th out of 63 journals in the Development Studies category, up from 16th out of 42 journals in the previous year's report. Additionally, the journal's five-year impact factor, which reflects citations in 2023 for articles published between 2018 and 2022, stands at 3.8, placing it 13th in the category and earning it an A rating within the CERES ranking system.

About Development and Change

Development and Change is devoted to the critical analysis and discussion of a broad range of development issues. As a truly interdisciplinary journal, it welcomes articles from across the social sciences and diverse intellectual perspectives. The journal aims to foster a deeper understanding of development and social transformation, often publishing unconventional analyses that challenge established viewpoints. The editorial board and office are located at ISS in The Hague.

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