Delaying justice in Palestine

Discussion on ICC's delayed investigation into violations in Palestine
ICC Palestine Panel - December 2022

Palestinian human rights organizations hold an event on 'Palestine at the ICC: Justice delayed in justice denied'.

On 1 December 2022, the International Institute of Social Studies, together with the Palestinian Center for Human RightsAl-Mezan Center for Human Rights, Al-Haq and Center for Constitutional Rights, and the office of the United Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, held an event highlighting their concern at the lack of progress in the investigation being conducted by the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) into the situation in the State of Palestine and OTP’s silence concerning the repeated and escalating violations and crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinian people.

All the speakers highlighted the ICC's lack of action, despite opening an investigation in March 2021 into violations and crimes committed in Palestine. They are in The Hague to convey their frustration at lack of progress by the ICC.

Raji Sourani,  Director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights expressed his concern about the limited budget allocated by ICC to investigate the situation in Palestine. His words were reiterated by Tahseen Elyaan, Deputy Director of Al-Haq who pointed out that the crisis in Palestine is a long-term one that has been ongoing for 75 years, something the ICC should take into account when conducting its investigation

The other speakers echoed their concerns, noting that every day people are being killed, land confiscated and houses destroyed.

Listen to a recording of the event

More information

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights has a more detailed summary of the discussion.

A similar discussion co-sponsered by the International Institute of Social Studies entitled 'Equitable access to justice: The case of Palestine' will be held on 8 December at the World Forum in The Hague.

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