Congratulations Dr Maria Dafnomili

Successful PhD defence on process of financialisation in the world economy

On 27 January 2025, Maria Dafnomili successfully defended her PhD thesis investigating the impact of financialization on the emergence of growth volatility, leading to global economic crises.

In her research, Dafnomili explored the development of financialization in academic discussions and empirical manifestations over the past decades. She examined three essential pillars:

  • a scrutiny of the development of capitalism and its role in promoting the widespread acceptance of financialization
  • an investigation into the roots of financialization and its connection with neoliberalism
  • an exploration of the momentum derived from the process of financial globalization

She followed this theoretical analysis with an investigation, based on a sample of 183 countries, into the relationship between financialization and economic growth, as well as the relationship between financialization and growth volatility.

Rewatch Maria's defence presentation

PhD defence by Maria Dafnomili - presentation

PhD defence by Maria Dafnomili - presentation

PhD defence Maria Dafnomili

The process of financialisation in the world economy: Unravelling the dynamics and crisis nexus

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