The Indices of Social Development has been updated to include new variables, more countries and data for 2020.
The Indices of Social Development (ISD) brings together 200 indicators, synthesizing them into a usable set of measures to track how different societies perform along six dimensions of social development.
The Indices of Social Development Data Team, based at the International Institute of Social Studies has constructed the latest 6 indices of social development, with data for 2020. These are now available on the ISD website and can be downloaded for free from the data section.
The 2020 indices include new variables and the most up to date data from across the world. They include an even larger number of countries than in previous years. The data (between 1990 and 2020 for every 5 years) can be consulted and used by all researchers, NGOs, activists, policymakers and other stakeholders in their analyses of the social dimensions of development.

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The ISD Data Team: