Understanding the life experiences of LGBTQ+ youth and refugees in The Hague

Documentary and conversation with local experts and the community
Tuesday 24 Sep 2024, 18:00 - 19:30
Spoken Language
Aula B
International Institute of Social Studies
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Woman waving rainbow flag

- What specific challenges do queer refugees and youth face due to their overlapping marginalized identities? 
- What actions are required at the municipal level to support vulnerable LGBTQ+ groups?

Join us at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) for this community-building workshop, where we will be screening a documentary about the LGBTQ+ youth and refugees project and engaging in a critical debate on how to create safe spaces for vulnerable queer communities in the Hague.

The municipality of The Hague acknowledges that LGBTQ young and refugees are priority groups that deserve extra attention, given their constrained emancipation in relation to other queer groups. LGBTQ+ young people are at a much higher risk of social isolation and depression than their peers. Moreover, they are often less accepted by peers from certain ethnic and religious backgrounds. In parallel, LGBTQ+ refugees face discrimination on several fronts (in the housing market, in accessing employment and in social engagements more broadly), discrimination which often extends to limited acceptance within their own refugee and diaspora communities.

The panelists will present findings from this 2-year project that researched the recent life experiences of members belonging to these vulnerable LGBTQ+ groups. This knowledge was produced with a citizen science approach, where LGBTQ young and LGBTQ refugees were trained to collect information from within their own communities.

About the workshop

The workshop will include a screening of project documentary that will present interviews with queer youth and refugees. An expert panel will present key findings from the undertaken work and outline policy recommendation at the municipal level. The audience will be asked to engage in a critical debate on how to create safe spaces for vulnerable queer communities in the Hague.



18:00 - Welcome / Short Introduction
18:05 – Presentation of project, its design and key findings
18:30 – Screening of documentary ‘LGBTQ+ youth and refugees in The Hague’
18:45 - Interactive Q&A between panelists and audience
19:30 - Mingling and drinks/snacks at the Atrium

About the LGBTQ+ youth and refugees project

This is a collaborative project between ISS (EUR), The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) and two LGBTIQ+ NGOs (COC, Rainbow Den Haag). The project is funded by the Municipality of The Hague via its 'Subsidieregeling Hoger Onderwijs Den Haag 2022’.

  • LGBTQ+ youth and refugees

    Helping municipal policy makers and school children better understand the life experiences of LGBTQ+ youth and refugees in The Hague – A collaborative project
    Woman waving rainbow flag

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