The dominance of the 'new humanitarianism' in development agendas post-Cold War can be attributed to a shift in global dynamics and priorities. With traditional ideological divides fading, the focus shifted towards addressing humanitarian crises and promoting peace and stability in conflict-ridden regions. This approach emphasizes not only providing immediate relief but also long-term solutions aimed at preventing conflicts and fostering sustainable development.
Understanding conflict management and peace-building efforts in the aftermath of war requires a nuanced perspective, especially when violence persists despite the cessation of hostilities. This phenomenon underscores the complexity of post-conflict dynamics, where deep-seated grievances, power struggles, and social fractures often endure even after formal peace agreements are reached. By examining cases from diverse regions like Latin America, Africa, the Balkans, and South Asia, we gain valuable insights into the multifaceted challenges and effective strategies employed in navigating such contexts.
Through this specialization, participants delve into analytical frameworks and practical methodologies utilized by individuals and organizations engaged in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. By studying historical and contemporary examples, learners gain a deeper understanding of how to address the root causes of violence, facilitate reconciliation, and promote sustainable peace. Moreover, the curriculum explores alternative development paradigms that transcend the conventional 'liberal peace' framework, offering innovative approaches for post-conflict transitions that prioritize local agency, social justice, and inclusive governance.
This specialization caters to individuals keen on exploring the intricate dynamics of violent conflict, peacebuilding, and human security. Whether you're a practitioner, scholar, or advocate, this program equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute meaningfully to efforts aimed at mitigating conflicts and fostering lasting peace in diverse contexts.
Courses and readings
For a full description of all specializations, individual courses and indicative readings, please download the Academic Calendar below.
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