Institute Board
Responsible to the EUR Executive Board, the Institute Board forms the daily management of ISS.
The IB is composed of:
- Rector, Professor Ruard Ganzevoort
- Deputy Rector Research Affairs, Professor Rozalba Icaza
- Deputy Rector Educational Affairs, Professor Karin Arts
The IB is supported by an Institute Director.
Institute Council
The Institute Council is the representative body of the Institute's staff and students. It has the right of approval, advice and other rights on matters specifically related to the Institute and to competences delegated to the Rector, including matters provided for under the Dutch Law on Higher Education and the Erasmus University Rotterdam Rules & Regulations.
The Institute Council consists of 10 members: 6 staff members (at least 2 of which are support staff and 2 faculty), 2 MA students and 2 PhD researchers.
Staff members are elected for a period of 3 years starting on 1 September. Student members are elected for a period of one year starting on 1 December. For PhD researchers this is renewable for one period.
Advisory Committee
The Institute is managed by the Institute Board with advice from the Advisory Committee which periodically advises the Institute Board on matters of scientific strategy, the Institute's mission and identity.
The ISS Advisory Committee consists of:
- Dagmar Oudshoorn, Director Amnesty International Nederland
- Melissa Siegel, Professor of Migration Studies at Maastricht University & UNU-MERIT
- Rob de Vos, Retired from Ministry of Foreign Affairs